COVID-19 Info

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Toyota of Bristol - located in Bristol, Tennessee, serving Johnson City and Kingsport, is committed to doing everything we can to make sure you're comfortable and safe, whether you visit our showroom or want to take advantage of shopping from home. To ensure the safety of our staff and valued customers we have implemented the use of steering wheel covers, seat covers, gloves and disinfecting all shift levers & door handles.

For in store visits, we have implemented the following:

  • We are reminding employees through multiple channels about washing hands often. We are talking to them about it, providing additional literature, and providing additional hand sanitizer dispensers as well.
  • For guests, we are providing more hand sanitizer dispensers across our businesses in high visibility and high traffic areas. We are also increasing our reserves of hand sanitizers for use by our guests and employees over an extended period.
  • We are buying more cleaning and disinfectant supplies. We are increasing the frequency of cleaning high-touch surfaces in public areas with additional staffing.
  • We are reinforcing training procedures to ensure cleaning processes are implemented properly by our employees.
  • If an employee appears to be suffering from flu-like symptoms, they will be asked to promptly seek medical attention and to remain at home until they are free of symptoms. We are encouraging guests who are ill to seek medical attention and to avoid public exposure as much as possible. Please avoid our businesses if you are experiencing flu like symptoms and call to cancel any existing appointments. We will be happy to re-schedule for a future date

For shopping from home, we have implemented the following:

  • Effective immediately we are introducing TEST DRIVE from your DRIVEWAY.
  • For your convenience we are providing at home test drives and trade appraisals with complete online transaction processing. We will bring your new vehicle to your home or business for no additional charge, and have the final paperwork ready for you. Complete your new purchase quickly, easily and conveniently. Buying your new vehicle has never been easier!
  • Based on these proactive actions that have been implemented we are confident that our dealership will continue to be a safe place to conduct business and we will remain open to best serve your needs.

Let us serve you!

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